To Be Full of Life

To be full of life means to live a life with vibrancy of spirit, to be happy and express this happiness in all that you say and do. Children are like this. They have not forgotten what it is like to play and have fun and experience life through their heart and soul. As adults, we must work to go back to that, back to the simplicity of just being, and just knowing that there is an exciting adventure around every corner, something waiting to be discovered should you be so brave!
Being connected to who you truly are is a must if you want to be full of life. You must be filled to the brim with your spirit. How do you do this? For some, meditation or prayer is the key, for others, gardening, yoga, Qi Gong, music, art, dancing, or singing brings people into alignment with their true essence. Anything you can do where you can happily lose yourself in the activity will allow you to find your true self and connect with your spirit in a very joyful vibrant way.
Find your passion and be passionate. When was the last time you felt very passionate about anything in life? Get it back. You can do this. Find something that makes your heart sing and your soul dance and do it. Do it every day. Do not delay. Be happy now. Do what you love now. Be true to yourself and what you love. Express your love for life every day by doing what you love and life will express its love for you. Open your heart and soul to receive all of the beautiful vibrant love and life flowing your way. Feel it singing in your cells and in your whole body. Life lovingly flows through you. Now get up and show life that you love it too. Go play! Express yourself, laugh, and have fun! Go on an adventure! Be full of life as you were meant to be! Say Yes and Choose Joy! You can do it!!!
Need some additional encouragement? Ask your guardian angels for help. Everyone has guardian angels with them. They see the very best in you. They were your first friends and playmates, and still are your most ardent cheerleaders and most devoted friends and fans! They love you unconditionally and want you to be happy. Please ask them for anything, they are here for you no matter what.
Imagine that you see their beautiful glowing white light. Imagine this white light cascading down upon you, within you, and over you like a gentle waterfall. Breathe in this sparkling healing white light.
Now say: Guardian Angels please help me to be filled with joy and wonder and exquisite happiness. Heal my heart. Help me to release the burdens that are weighing me down, transform my negativity and pessimism into positivity and optimism. Help me to know and believe without a shadow of a doubt that I am worthy and deserving of your help and feeling joyful, and help me to express my newfound zest for life with wild abandon. Help me to connect to my inner child and play and have fun again like I used to. I give myself permission to have fun. I give myself permission to let go of all of the restrictions I’ve placed on myself as I’ve gotten older and all of those beliefs of what I can and can’t do. I set them free. I set myself free. I am free to be me. I choose joy. I choose to allow myself to express joy in whatever way feels best to me. I play and have fun. I make play a part of my day. I have a joyful spirit and I let it shine in all its glory. I embrace my joy. I am happy. And so it is.
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