Special opportunity to join an online Living With Joy Sacred Sisterhood Circle:
Do you want to:
- Learn how to love and nurture yourself
- Grow through joy rather than through struggle and pain
- Set boundaries
- Increase your self-confidence and self-esteem
- Radiate love
- Feel inner peace
- Open to receive
- Take a quantum leap in any area
- Change negatives into positives
- Gain clarity in your relationships
- Increase your sense of aliveness and wellbeing and
- Live in your higher purpose?
If you answered yes to most of the above questions then this group is for you. I will set sacred space and call in your Teams of Light and Guardian Angels to assist you in releasing all that no longer serves you and realign you back to your natural state of joy.
All group members will purchase Living with Joy: Keys to Personal Power and Spiritual Transformation by Sanaya Roman. It’s currently on sale on Amazon in kindle or paperback.
Each chapter has a playsheet, daily joy practice, and affirmations focused on that chapter’s topic. In addition to reviewing the chapters in group and having an open discussion on what we’ve learned and how we are applying what we’ve learned into our daily lives, I will also be leading everyone in a beautiful uplifting and transformative guided meditation each group for further healing, connection, and joyful expansion of your true self.
Quotes from the book:
“You are a worthy individual, no matter what your past, no matter what your thoughts, no matter who believes in you. You are life itself, growing and expanding and reaching upward. All people are valuable, beautiful, and unique. Every experience you have is meant to teach you more about creating love in your life.”
“Can you imagine how it would feel if your heart were open, if everywhere you went you trusted, and knew that the universe was friendly? How would your life flow if you believed that your inner guidance was gentle and kind and that people were sending you love wherever you went, and that you were broadcasting a beam of love to everyone?”
“Loving yourself means accepting yourself as you are right now.”
“The relationships you have with others can only be as good as the relationships they have with themselves. If they do not know how to love themselves, that sets a limit as to how much they can love you.”
This book has literally been life changing for me. It changed my life, and it can change yours. Let me know if you are interested in joining our sacred circle and I’ll send you some additional information.
If you want to join a Sisterhood of like-minded women, consciously create and manifest a life you love, sincerely grow, let go of the old, welcome in your true self this year and start living a life filled with joy, then this group is for you.
I invite you to listen to your inner voice, your soul’s guidance and wisdom, and follow your truth to joy.
This book changed my life, and it can change yours. Contact me for more information about this life changing opportunity today and make 2024 one of your best years yet!