Out with the Old and in with the New

Most of you probably know that we create our experiences from our thoughts. I want to focus more strongly today on cultivating an awareness that it’s not just our thoughts that create our reality it’s also the images that we hold about ourselves, situations, relationships, and the world. So if you’re feeling really negative about something the more that you think and hold negative thoughts, images, and feelings about it the more you’re actually creating it in your life and keeping it going. That’s the opposite of what you want.
Right now I’d like to do a little exercise with you to help with this. I want you to think about an area of your life, a situation, relationship, or any issue that you feel really stuck in that you seem to very easily be bogged down in negativity about. I want you to take a deep breath and close your eyes, breathe, and relax. I want you to visualize, create, and imagine the highest and best possible outcome of this situation. I want you to imagine what it is that you want instead. There’s no holds barred here. I want you to really let yourself take flight and soar and give yourself permission to imagine the absolute best case scenario in all ways, and then imagine something even better than that.
Some of you may be struggling with this so let’s bring in the angels to help. We ask your guardian angels to help you now and send healing streams of angel light, love, and grace to fill you and surround you to help dissolve away all the negativity where you’re feeling stuck and everywhere you feel like you just can’t move forward or you’re turning your wheels and you just can’t climb out of where you are. We ask the angels to lift you up and lift you out of this situation to dissolve and transmute all of the negative thoughts, images, and feelings that are impacting your ability to move forward and create the life you want. Breathe and allow yourself to release all that’s been holding you back. Your angels say that they love you very much, and want you to know that you are very worthy and deserving of love, healing, and all good things.
Now we ask the angels to help you to see positive solutions. Allow yourself to be open minded where the solutions may come from or how they might come about. With the angels help and healing streams of grace, light, and love supporting you and uplifting you, we are going to again imagine the absolute best outcome of this situation. Use the power of your mind and imagination to invite in positive, loving, and kind solutions and elevate that 10 fold with even more love, light, happiness, joy, peace, and harmony for all involved. We now affirm to the angels and the greatest source of the purest light and love: This or something better please.
Keep holding this positive image and please keep feeling the gratitude of this already being true. Keep feeling your feelings of how you will feel when your image of this does come true. Continue putting this out there to the universe and your angels for it to be created and have faith that it will come to pass.
I invite in fresh new perspectives aligned with love for all. I choose to become more optimistic and look on the bright side of life every day. I count my blessings and I know I am blessed. I allow myself to choose happiness and joy. I am worthy and deserving of being happy. I accept and recieve good.
I can create the life I want and I do so now by holding positive images of myself and what I want. I breathe life into these images with my positive emotions. I supercharge my dreams and goals by having gratitude that they are already here and already manifested. I align my frequencies and vibrations to what I want by affirming all of the good in my life now. I am so blessed. Thank you angels for helping me in all ways always. I am so grateful. And so it is.
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