You are a Magnificent Manifestation of Light on Earth

For many women they feel like they need to take care of others and make sure that those around them are well, otherwise they are failing as a woman. Women are taught to be caretakers and nurturers usually at a very young age. We learn how to be in this world from watching and mirroring the adults around us, and for little girls they especially watch how their mother or a mother figure interacts with those around her. There is an ingrained expectation in our society that women “will take care of it”. Women pick up the slack and do what needs done, oftentimes with no acknowledgment. Women have been taken advantage of for generations upon generations, and have even unknowingly participated in this set of beliefs being passed down from mother to daughter over countless generations.
So is it your fault that you are like this? No. But is it your responsibility to do something about it? Yes.
The first thing that you need to do is to take back your power. Know that you have every right to put yourself first. You are important. Your thoughts and feelings matter. You matter.
The second thing you need to know is that it is not your responsibility to do for others, it is their responsibility to do for themselves. By doing things for others that they can do for themselves, you are setting yourself up for codependent relationships. You are enabling them to be dependent on you, which will hinder them from being the independent person they are meant to be. And it is hindering you from being the strong independent person you can be. Learn to say no, and set limits. You and everyone in your life will be better for it.
The third thing you need to know is that there isn’t anything you need to do to be loved. You already are loved just as you are right now. You don’t have to prove anything to anyone or accomplish a certain amount of things to be loved. You are good enough right now. There is no bar you have to reach or goal you need to achieve. If there is, it’s something you made up in your mind. Get rid of it. You are loved unconditionally just as you are right now. You don’t have to change a thing. You don’t have to do anything or be anything different to be loved. You are loved just as you are right now.
Your angels say to you that you are a magnificent manifestation of light on earth. And everything you’ve experienced and everything you have done has led you to being who you are in this very moment, a Divine manifestation of love. If you would just see yourself as we do, you would never doubt yourself again. You are a being of unimaginable power overflowing with love and light. There is nothing that you can’t be, do, or have. But you must know this. You must know that you are a spark of the Divine, ever connected to the river of life, the flow of creation and all good things. You live in an endlessly abundant universe, and you are the creator of it all. Allow yourself to know this and embody this. If you would allow yourself a few moments a day to just be, breathe, and know this, your life would change. Allow yourself a few moments of deep peace per day where you breathe and connect to your inner being. Connect to the endless flow of love and light that is the core of who you are, direct it towards what you want to create, appreciate and be grateful for what you want to have in your life, and let the magic happen. You don’t have to do anything other than that. Just be, and receive. It’s that simple. Let it be simple. Don’t over complicate it. You are capable of all that you dream and desire and more. Get in the flow, align with the vibration of gratitude and appreciation, and allow it.
When you are in alignment with who you really are, your pace will automatically slow and even out. You will find yourself being more mindful, and your breathing deeper. You will experience more feelings of being content, peaceful, and happy. Your life will have a harmonious flow to it. All will be uplifted. Powerful positive change will occur. If you just allow it. And you can, right now, in this very moment. Just breathe.
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